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Sleepy but happy with new hair 😊 (and d

Katya Gorecki

Graduate student by day, mad maker of things by night


I can't remember a time in my life before sewing. I grew up helping my mom construct quilts, matching pieces up for her to run through the machine before I knew enough about how fingers worked to run it myself. I know it started before I was in the second grade, because my Gingher scissors are *at least* that old.


Now, I love playing with tailoring and couture techniques (when I have time for them) in between more basic projects. I'm currently on a mission to build my skills up to make badass suits for my work life. I also have been knitting since age 12 and the sweater drawer is always getting new bits. Most of my making is documented on Instagram but this blog hosts more long-form thoughts, photos, and (one day) the occasional tutorial.


"The Nerdery" comes from my online handle, justthatnerdkid, dating to the beta days of Twitter that's kind of stuck even though I've mostly abandoned that platform. I've always self identified as a "nerd," which to me is always about having an unabashed enthusiasm and willingness to delve deep into whatever interests me and then share my excess of enthusiasm with everyone in a ten foot radius (willing or otherwise.) Whether its delving into Dungeons and Dragons or researching the science behind different textile fibers, it pretty much sums up my approach to the universe.


That and "never grow up, never surrender."


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